Faja del Potro and Cordón de la Brea Ore Deposits, La Rioja and San Juan.
Two elongate belts of rocks containing large
hydrothermal alteration zones with indications of
porphyry gold and copper-gold mineralization, as well
as potential for epithermal gold-silver deposits, were
examined near the border of Argentina with Chile
in southern La Rioja and northern San Juan
Provinces. On the west along the height of land a
zone consists predominantly of Tertiary volcanic
rocks and is referred to as the 'Faja de Potro'. This
region is roughly midway between the wellmineralized
porphyry gold- epithermal gold-silver
Maricunga district in Chile to the north and the large,
newly discovered high-sulphidation epithermal goldsilver
Pascua-Veladero district that straddles the
Argentinean-Chilean border to the south. To the east
this belt of economic interest, the Cordón de la Brea,
is made up of mainly Paleozoic felsic volcanic and
sedimentary units and Permo-Triassic granitic and
volcanic rocks. There the exploration interest has
been both the base metal and gold potential.
The Tertiary volcanic rocks in the study area
consist of a basal unit of back-arc rocks of
predominately andesitic composition that form
eroded fie1ds of coalescing lava flow and pyroclastic
units; a number of sma11, dark-coloured domes in
this unit are made of basal t. Overlying volcanic units
that comprise the bulk of the Cordillera consist of
dacitic to andesitic are rocks, and less commonly
quartz-phyric rocks ('rhyolite'), that give rise to
pyroclastic accumulations with locally abundant flow
domes. Ali Tertiary volcanic accumulations include
locally derived volcanigenic sed iments. Previously
ali the older volcanic units in this region were
regarded to be equivalent to, and correlated with,
the late Oligocene to early Miocene (26 - 21 Ma)
Doña Ana Group . The term 'Group' is used in Chile
whereas the equi valent rocks in Argentina are
commonly referred to 'Formations'. The overlying
successions of dacitic to andesititc rocks, with minor
basalt units, are equivalent to the middle to late
Miocene Cerro de Las Tortolas Group (17 to 1 O
Ma). In this study we have recognized that the
o1dest volcanics are late Eocene to 0Iigocene in
age. They crop out as andesite and Iesser basaltic
units in the Rio Peña Negra area and to the east of
Ria Blanco at the Sapitos prospect. In this report
we present resu1ts of new Ar-Ar dating results frorn
these, and the other map units. These new data
better constrain regional corre1ation of the Tertiary
volcanic units. We also present new petrochemical
data that characterize the vo1canics and allow a
refined interpretation of their tectonic setting. This
work can lead to the construction of a regional
stratigraphic framework that is constrained by
radiometric dating in which the regional
metallogeny can be considered.
The o1der rocks of the Cajón de la Brea belt, in
addition to copper rnineralization, locally have
significant gold enrichment. This appears to be
associated in both granitic and rhyolitic hostrocks with
quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes containing distinctive
bipyrimidal, 'smoky' grey quartz phenocrysts. A single
Ar-Ar date from K-feldspar from one of these
dykes gives an Eocene age (52 Ma). This suggests
that a Tertiary precious metal mineralizing episode
occurred in this older Cordilleran terrane.
Visits to a number of the alteration zones identified
in the 1993 N orwest study, and a few other areas,
have provided a large, well-documented sample
collection füí those interested in details about the
various alteration zones. This information is presented
in Appendix C. In addition to whole rock petrochemistry
sorne alteration minerals have been analyzed
by infra-red spectrometry (PIMA), and there are a
number of exploration geochemical sample analyses
Panteleyev, André y Cravero, Osvaldo, 2001. Faja del Potro and Cordón de la Brea Ore Deposits, La Rioja and San Juan. Radiometric dating, analytical results and sample documentation. Serie Contribuciones Técnicas;Recursos Minerales No. 11. 108 p. Buenos Aires, Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales.
Fil: Panteleyev, A. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales; Argentina.
Fil: Cravero, O. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales; Argentina.