Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Los Topónimos, Su Manejo Mediante Sig y Sus Aplicaciones en Cartografía
Tradicionalmente en una composición cartográfica digital, los topónimos han sido manejados como
elementos gráficos, a través de su edición manual, de su definición como caracteres alfanuméricos y de sus
características ...
Atlas Technology, a Digital Framework for Efficient Management and Use of Regional Data. The Argentina Satellite Atlas
In Argentina, as in other developing countries, information availability could be a serious problem. Due to the lack of information such as topographical, geological and other kind of geospatial data, geoscientists have ...
Development of National Satellite Image Atlas: Their Importance in Corporate and National SDI Development The Peripheral Countries Case
Information technology has strong relevance in the social and economical environments of
the countries. Education, investments, sustainable growing, natural resources exploration
and exploitation are some of the activities ...