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dc.contributor.authorAsato, Carlos Gabriel
dc.contributor.authorMazzitelli Mastricchio, Malena
dc.identifier.citationAsato,C.G. y M. Mazzitelli Mastricchio, 2006. “A GIS Based Satellite Data Management Application”. International Association for Mathematical Geology. Liege, Belgica. 3 al 8 de Agosto de 2005.es_AR
dc.descriptionFil: Asato, Carlos Gabriel. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina. ORCID: 0000-0002-1968-7741es_AR
dc.descriptionFil: Mazzitelli Mastricchio, M. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.es_AR
dc.descriptionEste trabajo fue presentado en: Int. Assoc. for Mathematical Geology - XIth International Congress Université de Liège - Belgiumes_AR
dc.description.abstractRemote sensing is becoming a more complex technology. There are a great diversification on sensor systems and applications, and the demand of digital satellite images and products is growing. Demand is prompted by the technological progress, the data appreciation as commodity, and their impact on global change and sustainable development studies. Due to this new scenario, the role of geo-scientific institutes -like geological surveysis changing. They should give a new kind of technological services as, for example, specialized remote sensing services. Despite the increasing demand on satellite images is accompanied by the development of more powerful systems, the increasing data volume and complexity requires of special systems that facilitate management of data. This paper present an ASTER data management application developed as part of a data infrastructure program. In this project a data bank with about 2000 ASTER images was created. The application, developed in ArcView 3.3, is composed by several modules: data input, management database, spatial information support, query and selection, and report system. Using GIS as developing platform we can search by metadata information, and by absolute and relative geographical location. This application improves the management of digital products and projects, and accelerates the requesting images process.es_AR
dc.subjectsatellite image managementes_AR
dc.subjectimagen satelitales_AR
dc.subjectservicio geológicoes_AR
dc.subjectgeological surveyses_AR
dc.subjectearth science instituteses_AR
dc.subjectsensores remotoses_AR
dc.subject528 (084.4)es_AR
dc.titleA GIS Based Satellite Data Management Applicationes_AR
dc.typeinfo:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferenciaes_AR

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