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dc.contributor.authorAsato, Carlos Gabriel
dc.identifier.citationAsato, C.G; 2001. “Efficient Chrono-Stratigraphic Database Structure in GIS”. International Association for Mathematical Geology. ún 2001 Conference. 9 al 12 de Septiembre.es_AR
dc.descriptionFil: Asato, C.G. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina. ORCID: 0000-0002-1968-7741es_AR
dc.descriptionTrabajo presentado en: International Association for Mathematical Geology. ún 2001 Conference. 9 al 12 de Septiembrees_AR
dc.description.abstractIn recent years the Instituto de Geología Regional y Recursos Minerales, has been developing the Regional Geology GIS Data Standards. One of the most important tasks was the development of the chrono-stratigraphic database definition and design. In order to allow the use and exploitation of digital geological maps, a simple database structure had been made. This case differs from traditional chronostratigraphic database designs where there are only direct relationships between geological units and their chrono-stratigraphic definition. The design concept involves a hierarchical data organization taken from the chrono-stratigraphic column where the relationships between classes and subclasses were preserved. In more detail it is used a special code definition that was designed in order to have a direct correspondence with a specific chrono-stratigraphic division, and indirect relation to their own hierarchical position. There is also a complete chrono-stratigraphic definition, ordered in separate fields, and organized by chrono-stratigraphic level. The data structure formed by geological layer, table relationships, chrono-stratigraphic code and chronostratigraphic table design allow to the users indexing, classification, and direct searching and scalable design.es_AR
dc.subject528 (084.4)es_AR
dc.subjectcartografía digitales_AR
dc.subjectgeología regionales_AR
dc.subjectbase de datoses_AR
dc.titleEfficient Chrono-Stratigraphic Database Structure in GISes_AR
dc.typeinfo:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferenciaes_AR

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