Mapeo Geocientífico de las Sierras Pampeanas, 3166-14 Malazán, Provincia de La Rioja
The 1:100 000 scale Malanzán (3166-14) sheet covers the northwestern part of the Sierra de Chepes, the southwestern part of the Sierra de Los Llanos, and the adjacent plain; this area is located in the southern part of the La Rioja Province (Figures 1, 2). The map area is bounded by latitudes 30°40’ S and 31°00’ S, and by longitudes 67°00’ W and 66°30’ W. The area falls in the central south part of the 1:250 000 scale Chamical (3166-I) sheet.
The area is easily accessible from Córdoba and La Rioja by Ruta Nacional 38 and Ruta Provincial 32, and from San Juan by Ruta Nacional 141 and Ruta Provincial 32. The nearest regularly serviced airport is located at La Rioja.
The nearest major centre of population, logistics and commerce is Chepes on Ruta Nacional 141 located between the Sierra de Chepes and Sierra de Las Minas (outside the map area). Malanzán and El Portezuelo are small population centres in the map area.
Pieters, Peter y Skirrow, Roger G., 1997. Mapeo Geocientífico de las Sierras Pampeanas, 3166-14 Malazán, Provincia de La Rioja. Boletín;231. 58 p. Buenos Aires, Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales y Australian Geological Survey Organisation
Fil: Pieters, P. Australian Geological Survey Organisation; Australia.
Fil: Skirrow, Roger G. Australian Geological Survey Organisation; Australia.
Cubrimiento parcial de la hoja.
- Boletines [398]
- Escala 1:100.000 [46]
- Hojas Geológicas [342]