Mapeo Geocientífico de las Sierras Pampeanas, 3166-24, Provincia de Córdoba
The 3166-24 1:100 000 Sheet area lies within Córdoba Province, between 3140’-3120’S and 6430’-6500’W. The area is part of the 3163-IV (Villa Dolores)1:250 000 sheet area.
The region includes the central northern Sierra Grande which is drained by the north flowing Ríos Pintos, de La Candelaria, and Soto.
Access to the region, from Córdoba city, is via Ruta Nacional 38 which connects the main population centres of La Cumbre, Capilla del Monte, Cruz del Eje, and Villa de Soto. A number of secondary roads, generally unsealed, connecting the centres of Paso del Carmen and Candelaria to the main centres afford good access to most of the rock types in the sheet area.
Lyons, Patrick y Skirrow, Roger G., 1997. Mapeo Geocientífico de las Sierras Pampeanas, 3166-24, Provincia de Córdoba. Boletín;234. 39 p. Buenos Aires, Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales y Australian Geological Survey Organisation
Fil: Lyons, P. Australian Geological Survey Organisation; Australia.
Fil: Skirrow, Roger G. Australian Geological Survey Organisation; Australia.
Cubrimiento parcial de la hoja.
- Boletines [398]
- Escala 1:100.000 [46]
- Hojas Geológicas [342]